
Everyone of those we lost was someone’s everything

Palestinians also love their kids , the moment they get pregnant is a joy , them being born , this first smile , the first word , the first step …

→ all Palestinians

We had our happy moments

We have on this land that which makes life worth living
We have on this land all of that which makes life worth living
April’s hesitation
The aroma of bread at dawn
A woman’s beseeching of men
The writings of Aeschylus
Love’s beginning
Moss on a stone
Mothers standing on a flute’s thread
And the invader’s fear of memories
We have on this land that which makes life worth living
September’s end
A woman leaving ‘forty’ behind
with all of her apricots
The hour of sunlight in prison
A cloud reflecting a swarm of creatures
A people’s applause for those who face their own erasure with a smile
And the tyrant’s fear of songs.
We have on this land all of that which makes life worth living
On this land
The lady of our land
The mother of all beginnings
And the mother of all ends
She was called Palestine
Her name later became Palestine
My lady….
Because you are my lady
I have all of that which makes life worth living.

Mahmoud Darwish Poem

It wasnt always like this

Palestine was a peaceful country who was never given a chance ,we are famous for our olive trees, orange and very deep history

Many families lost ..completely wiped out

life passed in moments ,we never thought those pictures we took by our phones are going to be the only photos that we have left …these might not be high quality but everything we have left .